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  • M.A. in Historic Preservation
  • MAHP 25th Anniversary
  • 25th Anniversary Celebration & Preservation Forum

    MAHP Anniversary

    Thank you to everyone who participated in our 25th anniversary. We are grateful for your support and look forward to being innovative leaders in preservation for another 25 years.


    July 2020 – August 2021 | Goucher College

    Twenty-five years ago, Goucher College established a Master of Arts in Historic Preservation, the college’s first distance education program and the first distance education preservation program in the country. During the 2020-2021 academic year, the M.A.H.P. program celebrated a quarter century of being a pioneer in the field of historic preservation education. We invited alums and experts to our year-long series of events bringing together the preservation community around the most urgent issues in our field. 

    M.A.H.P. Alumnae/i Anniversary Spotlight

    Meet Lawana Holland-Moore, M.A.H.P. '16. She finds her work in the historic preservation field to be rewarding. An important part of her job involves recognizing and telling the full history of African American historic sites.

    Read Lawana's story & more


    Goucher’s M.A.H.P. program has undergone changes in its 25 years, yet it continues to endure and thrive. Echoing that theme, we hosted the M.A.H.P. 25th Anniversary Forum, Preserving Place in a Rapidly Changing World.

    As the places we value are changing, so we are transforming our goals for preservation of places. The historic preservation field is venturing onto varied new pathways. In our field’s recent discourse, we’ve exposed fault lines in how we’ve done our work and expanded the mandate to support the heritage well-being of more people in more ways. At this Forum, the speakers – engaged practitioners – asked what if? and explored innovative answers. 

     Full Forum Details

    During the year, the M.A.H.P program hosted a series of events, including an anniversary lunch with alumnae/i, our M.A.H.P. Assembly, and a webinar on preserving the past sustainably. View our past events page for recordings. 

     Past Event Recordings